It came to me as a flash inspiration, and I am so glad I followed through.
The two year launchiversary of Strum and The Wild Turkeys through Edumatch Publishing was approaching, and I wanted to do more than throw a party because this book is more than an event.

Strum and The Wild Turkeys is a story about a peacock with an imperfect plume who learns to embrace and even honour his differences by finding a sense of belonging to himself and then finding his flock in The Wild Turkeys, who are a rafter of wild turkeys. Strum becomes their lead singer, and the story culminates with a concert singing Strum's song: Different is Good.
When the book first launched, we got a lot of press. I was on multiple television and radio shows, and several edu-friends invited me to speak about it on their podcasts. Everyone received the book so well, ad it felt amazing. felt amazing. When the balloons settled, the universal themes of the book are what drove me to continue writing about, posting about, and sharing it.
This year, Sonshine and Broccoli released their version of Strum’s song, and it was cooler and more kid-friendly than my original version. Knowing that thousands of children sing this song, long after the reading of the book is done feeds my soul. I love their Different is Good, and I imagine Strum and The Wild Turkeys singing it with them.

Everyone can connect with the main character, which compels me to this book and the series. I wanted to hold space for kids of all ages to live the themes of the book, if only for that day. A student in grade 6 at the time, Madi McAllister, wrote "Don't be afraid to rock who you are!" on a picture of Strum that she drew ater her mother, Melody McAllister, read her the book in advance of her interviewing me (read The Book for Every Child). Her words gave me the inspiration for what I inscribe inside the books that I sign: be yourself, find your flock, rock your differences.

I wondered how to move beyond the book to promote its messages, and Strum Day was my answer. Strum Day is a self advocacy day. It is a day that is an umbrella for so many other days because we are often so much better at standing up for others than we are for ourselves. I knew it required some explanation, so I shared this video on social media.
April 30th fell on a Sunday, so I did a free Pre Strum Day read aloud for students as part of the festivities. 25 schools from around world signed up, a some of them showed up for this interactive author visit. I love reading this book to classes in person and virtually. I have developed a style that is very me, and I appreciate the access that can come from video conferencing as well as the energy that comes from in person events.
Throughout Strum Day, people posted or sent me images of them being themselves. It was joyfully affirming to see friends, colleagues, and acquaintances joining in sharing aspects of who they are and what they love. I am particularly grateful to a former student who became a teacher, educator/author Tu Vong, and educator/drummer Dawn Lane for adding their special touches to the day with these amazing visuals.
Strum Day is a day to celebrate who you are and what lights you up. There won’t always be artifacts or posts of participation for this annual day that I started, but there will always be a warm feeling in my heart that this character and book gives people a place and a pause to be themselves.
I hope there will many more books to come and many more celebration days called Strum.
